Some stops on a 24 day cruise are going to be more relaxed and just involve walking and taking the city train around the city. Our stop in Toulon, France was one of those. My research indicates the number one tourist thing to do in Toulon is to take the tram up to Mont Faron. We didn’t do that as the reaching the tram involved taking transportation from the port to reach the tram. It just wasn’t one of those days.
Our spot in port offered these wonderful views of sailboats and apartments on the waterfront.
I will be honest, I watched the cars drive what appeared to be behind the ship and wondered where the road they were traveling was. Having lived a landlocked life, it just never occurred to me the cars were driving onto the ship for a more than 10 hour ride to Ajaccio.
This marble and stucco artwork is a 1681 AD replacement for Pierre Puget‘s original which was made of wood and was destroyed in a 1661 AD fire.
Interior image from Sainte Marie ( Toulon Cathedral ).
There are many forms of transportation in Toulon including this cycle taxi and the petit tourist train.
Your one stop shop in Toulon, France for everything pictured on the window including money transfer and passport photos.
The phrase “we’re going to need a bigger boat” from the movie Jaws comes to mind when seeing this boat.
Toulon provence Méditerranée Métropole water bus terminal – Dock ( Quai ) #1.
Since its creation in 2002, Toulon Provence Méditerranée Métropole ( TPM ) has set up the Mistral network and a single tariff for the 12 municipalities of the territory. Its fleet of buses & water buses transport more than 30 million passengers every year.