Every time I mention to someone that our cruise went to Africa, they ask if we visited Morocco or Casablanca. Nobody says, did you stop in Ceuta Spain? Well we did. Stepping off the ship’s walkway, I stepped onto the 3rd Continent I have ever visited, or lived in. To quote Sir Arthur John Gielgud who played the butler in the movie Arthur, “I’ll alert the media”.

Orange yellow sunrise of Ceuta Spain

It was a gorgeous Orange Yellow sunrise as we pulled into port.

Control tower for the ships that dock in Ceuta Spain

The Blue waters of the Atlantic surround the control for all the shipping in the port.

Cruise ship docking area in Ceuta Spain

The harbor and apartments by the water

The Ceuta Spain fort

Another city, another fort.

The pillars of Hercules in Ceuta Spain on the Northern tip of Africa

The Pillars of Hercules.

The are McDonalds everywhere

You travel all the way to Africa, and yet there is a McDonalds there. Though it doesn’t seem to have a drive thru.

The blue waters of the Atlantic ocean off Ceuta Spain

Church seen through palm trees in Ceuta Spaon

Another city, another church.

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